The 2G spectrum auction concluded on Thursday after 68 rounds of bidding. Apart from the telecom operators that bagged rights to spectrum, the government also emerged a big winner as the auction will bring in higher-than-expected revenues. The government will get Rs. 61,162 crore from the spectrum auction. This is much higher than the government's estimates of nearly Rs. 41,000 crore. The licence would be valid for a period of nearly 20 years . The telecom minister hoped that despite the aggressive bidding by the telecom operators, there would be no affect on call rates. Vodafone and Airtel bagged the crucial 900 MHz band in important markets like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. For these two operators, winning this band in these places had become crucial as the Supreme Court had refused to extend their licences. Bharti Airtel and Vodafone bought telecommunications airwaves worth nearly Rs. 18,600 crore each in an auction. Idea also managed to bag the crucial 900 MHz band in Delhi...