IIMA WAT topics of yesteryears

1.       Educational System is quelling creativity in Indian children
2.       Should Nehru's temples of learning remain elitist
3.       Indian women should take up their husbands' surname after marriage
4.       Professional management is a mere rhetoric in family run businesses
5.       Reading pure science is a waste of time
6.       NGOs are yet to get their due in Indian society
7.       Is Barack Obama bringing change only to the US?
8.       Indian youth would do well to absorb positive western influence.
9.       "Both men and women need gender sensitivity courses."
10.   “India should move from a multi-party to a bi-party system.”
11.   Industrialization should not happen at the cost of human rights.
12.   Indian politicians need training in communication skills
13.   Globalisation has failed to live upto its promises
14.   Pubs are anti-Indian
15.   Indian Space programme is an ambition misplaced
16.   "Is democracy the best form of government"
17.   how other games were not eclipsed by Cricket
18.   It should be made compulsory for Indian Politicians to be fit
19.   The presence of women in political and economic spheres is more of an aberration than a norm.
20.   The resurgence of the public sector companies in the current financial slowdown.


  1. It was in the 19th century that beautifying a bestessaywriting.org/research_papers home with paint ended up being the standard instead of an outlier.


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